#sol18: Sick

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

#SOL18: March 13th


You can tell when they open their eyes and look up at you...

Something isn't right.

What's it going to be?

A sore throat?

A general "I don't feel good"?

Do I get the thermometer, or does she just seem tired?


Not terribly high, but that's in the no school zone.

I guess we are both calling in sick.

Do I call the doctor?  It's hard to decide when/if it's just a virus...

I'll call the nurse and double check.

That's a wait and see.

Wait and see how many times I'll need to clean up the floor?

(Twice, it seems.)

Wait and watch a movie with my girl.

Star Wars trivia becomes the agenda.

Yet another day in a mom's life, filled with a mixture of worry and love.

And it's strep.

Thank goodness for antibiotics.

Where is the Lysol?


  1. I wrote about this yesterday, but the student, at school version! Thank goodness for Lysol.

  2. I wrote about this yesterday, but the student, at school version! Thank goodness for Lysol.

  3. Your poem made me smile - loved how you asked questions and then answered them and then ended with a question. Hopefully you do not get strep.
