#sol18: Feisty

Monday, March 26, 2018

#SOL18: March 26th


The day was full of possibility.  The sun was shining, and there were slice ideas all around.  So much beauty and opportunity was noticed by my observant blue eyes.

My fresh cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee, flavored to Girl Scout Cookie perfection?
A deep conversation with coworkers?
My pizza at lunch?
My daughter dressed up like her current favorite Star Wars droid?
A kind note from a friend?
Oreos to celebrate a birthday?

The day was filled with stories, but no time to slice.   So, I just kept tucking the ideas away for later.

...and then the school day ended, and Mom duties began

...and then the sun set.

I have been sitting here, staring at my computer screen, with a blank slice that can't be written.   I looked at my phone for photo inspiration, and I found how I must look with slicing block.

Slice done.

 (Thanks, Feisty Seal.)


  1. Cool. Looked up more of them (see video and now want my own Feisty Pet.

    There are always so many stories when you don't have time to stop and slice until, as you put it, "the sun sets"

  2. Girl scout cookie coffee?! I want to know more!
