Finding Our Way

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

     Have you ever felt that you have lost your way?  That in the hustle and bustle of the world you forget your direction and lost sight of your purpose?  To be honest, that is how I have been feeling the last week or so when it comes to school.  For more than a few reasons, I have felt kind of lost.

    Today, I was reminded of my purpose.

     I had a conversation with a teacher that kind of brought me to tears a bit.  I was listening to her talk about why she does what she does.  She is a teacher who truly wants to help other teachers, but who ultimately will do whatever it takes for her students to succeed.  Everything that she does is with them in mind.  Not the recognition, or her own interests, or the easy path, but rather the path that leads to the success of her students.

     In that moment, I was able to see things from a refocused perspective.  I was able to get some inspiration and some clarity, and see the beautiful lesson that came next.  As it turns out, there was butterfly release about to happen!

     A class of kindergartners eagerly followed their teacher, and their beloved butterflies, to the doors and gathered outside.  They opened the butterfly container and set their little friends free.  I got to watch as our kinders wave goodbye to their new friends forever.

     The truth is, it did not go as I expected.  I thought that as soon as +Melissa Alper  and +Kirstin McGinnis opened the container, those butterflies would just start flying right out of that container and into the blue sky above.  It did not happen that way, though.  Watch the 2 short clips below.

Butterfly Freedom Video #1

Butterfly Freedom Video #2

     Those butterflies did not know their path, either.  They hadn't stretched their wings in their collapsable butterfly home, and they had no idea how to fly.  With some support by Mrs. McGinnis, and some supportive kindergartners, a stick, and a leaf, the butterflies all eventually flew away.  They practiced how to fly, even though they struggled at first or needed a rest, but all found their path to freedom.  While I was watching them,  I couldn't help but compare them to the young kindergartners in front of us.  Watching them grow and stretch this year has been a pleasure, and they too are ready to spread their wings and become 1st graders.  They, too, are finding their path.

     Today, I found my own path again by looking to what matters the most: Our students.   As the year starts to come to an end, don't lose sight of all that they have done this year.  As the list of things to do gets looooooooonger, and the time gets shorter, have faith in the fact that they have grown because of you.  Hopefully, that will help you enjoy the path to the finish line.

     Thanks, +Kirstin McGinnis, for helping me find my wings today.

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