Dr. Mary Howard is coming in a week, so I thought you might like a sneak peak at what you might hear on Institute Day. She wrote the book
Good to Great Teaching. She discusses how we can turn our teaching from good to great, by looking at what we do and reflecting on it. The tables above are in her book. Take a moment to read the bad examples, as well as the good/great.
With the changes in our curriculum with the Common Core, and the implementation of reading and writing workshop, we have to remember to be thoughtful in our decision making. What are we doing that will make the most difference to our kids? What do we already do that is successful? What are do we need to change to be
even more successful? When you read those Calkins units, what are key ingredients to creating successful learners? How can we help children take charge of their own learning by helping them get engaged and become independent learners?
Dr. Howard describes Great Work as "taking our teaching to the highest level and offers the most benefit to our students. Great work happens when teachers cautiously translate research principles into practice so it requires more effort in the early stages. Those who do great work develop an insatiable appetite and want to savor the experience over and over. Great work lights up a room with energy and enthusiasm." (2012)
As we transition to the workshop model, take a step back and look at your kids and their work. What are they telling you? Then take a look at your own teaching. What in your teaching created that result?
We are certainly putting the effort in during the early stages. We are on our way to greatness, Hiawatha!
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